Advisory Board Banking Forum | Meeting of Leaders Banking and Insurance 2023

Advisory Board

Szymon Midera

Chairman of the Program Council of the Banking Forum, President of the Management Board, PKO Bank Polski

Łukasz Kijek

Secretary of the Program Council, Head of the editorial department of , author of the program “Business Class”

Józef Wancer

Honorary Chairman of Banking Forum,
BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.

Tadeusz Woszczyński

Chairman of Banking & Insurance TECH Advisory Board

Krzysztof Kalicki

Vice-Chairman of Advisory Board Banking Forum / Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank Polska

Artur Adamczyk

President of the Management Board, Bank BPS

Piotr Alicki

President of the Management Board, Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa

Paweł Bandurski

President of the Management Board, Bank BPH

Brunon Bartkiewicz

President of the Management Board, ING Bank Śląski

Tadeusz Białek

President of the Management Board, Związek Banków Polskich

Tomasz Bogus

President of the Management Board, PKO Leasing

Paweł Borkowski

Managing Director, Integral Solutions

Paweł Borys

Vice President, MCI Capital ASI/ President, MCI Capital TFI

Joao Bras Jorge

President of the Managment Board, Bank Millennium

Mariusz Cholewa Ph.D.

President of the Management Board, Biuro Informacji Kredytowej

Teresa Czerwińska

Vice-President of the Management Board, Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny

Elżbieta Czetwertyńska

President of the Management Board,
Citi Handlowy

Małgorzata Dąbrowska

Vice President of the Management Board, BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.

Łukasz Domański

CEO, Carsmile

Łukasz Dyguła

Head of Channel - Poland,

Michał Gajewski

President of the Management Board,
Santander Bank Polska

Bożena Graczyk

Vice-president of the Management Board,
ING Bank Śląski

Mariusz Grendowicz

Chief Executive Officer,
ACP Credit

Michał Grzegorzewski

Chef of Business Operation Officer,
Fujitsu Poland

Grzegorz Ignaciuk

Member of the Management Board,

Zbigniew Jagiełło

President of the Management Board of PKO BP from 2009 to 2021

Paweł Jakubik

Technology & Consulting Sales Leader, EY Polska

Agnieszka Jankowska

Chairwoman of the Council for Digital Affairs, Ministry of Digitization

Michał Jankowski

Digital Business Partner CEE, Hitachi Europe Ltd.

Aleksander Kania

Regional Vice President,
UiPath Poland

Małgorzata Kołakowska

Global Head Network,
ING Wholesale Banking

Andrzej Kopyrski

Senior Advisor, PwC

dr Krzysztof Korus

Legal Advisor, Partner,
DLK Legal

Tomasz Kowalski

President of the Management Board,
Deutsche Bank Polska

Bartosz Kublik

President of the Management Board, BOŚ Bank

Dariusz Kucharski

Chief Executive Officer,

Adrian Kurowski

Chief Executive Officer,
Visa w Polsce

Piotr Kwiatkowski

President of the Management Board,
Credit Agricole

Adam Marciniak

President of the Management Board, VeloBank

Piotr Matczuk

Prezes Zarządu, Polski Fundusz Rozwoju

Janusz Mieloszyk

Vice President of the Management Board,
Nest Bank

Michał Mrożek

Vice President of the Management Board,
ING Bank Śląski S.A.

Bartłomiej Nocoń

Director of Payment Systems and Electronic Banking Team / Board Member, Zwiazek Banków Polskich / European Payments Council

Jakub Papierski

CFA, Senior Advisor,

Marcin Petrykowski

CEO & Senior Advisor Finance and Technology

Piotr Piechota

Vicepresident of the Management Board,
Bank Pocztowy

Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz

The Polish Bank Association in the years 2003-2023

Andrzej Przewięźlikowski

Vicepresident of the Management Board,

Ernest Püspök

Business Development Director Central and Eastern Europe,
Worldline Financial Services

Wojciech Sass

Chief Executive Officer,
Luminor Group

Tomasz Sękalski

Member of the Management Board,
Plus Bank

Mirosław Skiba

President of the Management Board,

Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska

Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board, mBank

Marcin Somla

Country Manager / Business Development Director / Program Management, Efigence

dr Dariusz Standerski

Secretary of State,
Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji

Cezary Stypułkowski

President of the Management Board,
Bank Pekao S.A.

Janusz Władyczak

President of the Management Board,

Zdzisław Wojtera

Vice-President of the Management Board and Chief Financial Officer, Alior Bank

Przemysław Wojtkiewicz

Country Lead,

Piotr Żabski

Executive vice president in charge of the bank's board of directors,
Alior Bank

Małgorzata Zaleska

Director of the banking institute,

Wojciech Zaskórski

General Manager,

Piotr Zesiuk

President of the Management Board,
MM Conferences

Marcin Żuchowicz

President of the Board,

Marta Życińska

Country Manager Poland,

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