Spotkanie Liderów Świata Bankowości i Ubezpieczeń 2024

28. Banking Forum & 24. Insurance Forum
The Westin Warsaw Hotel

Report from 24th Banking Forum & 20th Insurance Forum


Insurance Forum is more than just an industry congress. The event is not only for insurers, but for anyone interested in what is happening and will happen in the financial services industry. It is a prestigious meeting of leaders, a place to exchange knowledge, experience and discussions about the future of the market. It is an excellent opportunity for debates on the most important issues, problems, opportunities and challenges facing the insurance industry. Every edition is attended in full – the presence of the most important people from the market, regulator, central administration and solution providers for the financial sector. Topics that are very relevant to the combined banking and insurance markets are discussed.
Trends, recommendations, analysis and accompanying discussions raised during the Insurance Forum take place twice a year. The event is widely known throughout the insurance world. Everyone meets there: business, administration, technologies, investors and advisors. The thematic scope is co-created by the Advisory Board. This ensures that the most important topics are discussed among practitioners.
It is a meeting and discussion place for those who create modern insurance.
It is a two-day event which has its opening and joint part with the Banking Forum, which allows you to look at the challenges facing the entire financial sector. Both thematic tracks are than ran simultaneously. Additionally, the Leaders of the Banking and Insurance World Grand Gala takes place during the spring edition, during which the independent Competition Jury awards prizes to the best companies, solutions and people in the industry.

Banking Forum

Banking Forum is a cyclical event participated by key personalities. The congress brings together representatives of the banking sector and those who create the conditions for the sector as well as solution providers from companies cooperating with banks. The event is a unique and prestigious platform for exchanging views for the above-mentioned stakeholders. Its purpose is to gather all key people who have an impact on the development of the banking sector, enable participants to better understand the changes, as well as strengthen contacts and establish new relationships with potential partners. It is also a place for business meetings and dialogue with the administration.
Banking Forum is organised twice a year, which makes it a regular meeting place for the most important people who summarise the last months, analyse the following changes and trends, discuss recommendations for the future. The thematic scope is co-created by the Advisory Board. This ensures that the most important topics are discussed among the practitioners.
It is a meeting place for leaders who change reality.
It is a two-day event which has its opening and joint part with the Insurance Forum, which allows you to look at the challenges facing the entire financial sector. Both thematic tracks are than ran simultaneously. Additionally, the Leaders of the Banking and Insurance World Grand Gala takes place during the spring edition, during which the independent Competition Jury awards prizes to the best companies, solutions and people in the industry.

Advisory Board Banking Forum & Insurance Forum

Józef Wancer

Honorary Chairman of Banking Forum,
BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.

Brunon Bartkiewicz

PPresident of the Board, ING Bank Śląski

Joao Bras Jorge

President of the Managment Board, Bank Millennium

Teresa Czerwińska

Vice-President of the Management Board, Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny

Elżbieta Czetwertyńska

President of the Management Board, Citi Handlowy

Małgorzata Dąbrowska

Vice-President of the Bank's Management Board, Operations and Business Support Area, BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.

Michał Gajewski

President of the Management Board,
Santander Bank Polska

Zbigniew Jagiełło

President of the Management Board of PKO BP in 2009-2021

Paweł Jakubik

Technology & Consulting Sales Leader, EY Polska

Magdalena Macko-Gizińska

Board member for customer relations, Nationale-Nederlanden

Aneta Podyma

Chief Executive Officer,


  • Resilience of the Polish economy and current challenges on financial markets. Looking for a recipe for success
  • The potential of AI in the financial sector
  • The banking and insurance sector’s role in building society’s financial education
  • Polish banking sector: efficient but not profitable. How to change it?
  • Moral Hazard in banking
  • How to build an attractive insurance market?
  • Distribution of insurance in adverse macroeconomic conditions

Read more →

Partners Banking & Insurance Forum

Alior Bank
BOŚ Bank
Fundacja Rozwoju Rynku Finansowego
Obserwator gospodarczy
Limitless Technologies
Integral Solutions
Poradnik przedsiębiorcy
Pracodawcy RP
TV Bizesowa

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