Advisory Board of Insurance Forum | Meeting of Leaders Banking and Insurance 2023

Advisory Board

Presidium of the Insurance Forum Program Council

Ryszard Bociong

Insurance sector expert

Roger Hodgkiss

President of the Board, Generali Polska

Agnieszka Kiełbasińska

President of the Management Board, SIGNAL IDUNA

Marcin Kulawik

Prezes Zarządu,

Grzegorz Kulik

General Manager, Colonnade Insurance S.A.

Sławomir Łopalewski

Managing Director, Member of the Management Board,
LUX MED Ubezpieczenia

Aneta Podyma

Chief Executive Officer,

Piotr Ruszowski

President of the Management Board,
Mondial Assistance

Leszek Skop

President of the Management Board,
PKO Ubezpieczenia

Grażyna Sudzińska-Amroziewicz

President of the Management Board, LINK4

Piotr Zadrożny

Vicepresident of the Management Board,
PZU Pomoc SA


Krzysztof Bukowski

President of the Management Board, Openlife

Jacek Byliński

President of the Management Board, CUK Ubezpieczenia

Mariusz Cholewa Ph.D.

President of the Management Board, Biuro Informacji Kredytowej

Adam Dwulecki

Deputy Chairman of the Board, Compensa Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. Vienna Insurance Group

Łukasz Dyguła

Head of Channel - Poland,

Tomasz Frączek

Insurance sector affairs expert

Franz Fuchs

Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Compensa Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. Vienna Insurance Group

Michał Gomowski

Vice President of the Board of Directors, Link 4

Michał Herbich

Chief Risk Officer, ERGO Hestia

Rafał Hiszpański

Country Manager Poland, Direct pojišťovna

Paweł Jakubik

Technology & Consulting Sales Leader, EY Polska

Andrzej Jarczyk

President of the Management Board, TUW PZUW

Witold Jaworski

Insurance and insurtech industry expert

Radosław Kamiński

General Counsel, Allianz Poland

dr Jolanta Karny

Regional CEO North, Central, Eastern Europe, Allianz Partners

Joanna Kościuch-Malinowska

General Director, Comadso

Dominika Kozakiewicz

CEO, Aon Polska Sp. z o. o.

Ida Krzemińska-Albrycht

Lead Editor,

Mariusz Kurowski

President of the Management Board, Benefia Ubezpieczenia

Magdalena Macko-Gizińska

Board member for customer relations, Nationale-Nederlanden

Jarosław Matusiewicz

President of the Management Board, TUZ Ubezpieczenia

Rafał Mosionek

Deputy Chairman of the Board, Compensa TU SA Vienna Insurance Group

Piotr Narloch

President of the Board, InterRisk

Marcin Nedwidek

President of the Management Board, UNIQA

Jacek Nowak

COO/CTO, ITSurance Group

Artur Olech

President of the Management Board 2024-2025,

Grzegorz Pawlicki

Board Member, Chief Information Officer,
Europa Ubezpieczenia

Igor Radziewicz-Winnicki

President of the Board, PZU Zdrowie

Marcin Sadek

Partner, EY CESA Actuarial Leader, EY Polska

Marcin Sagała


Janusz Szulik

President of the Management Board,
TU INTER Polska S.A.

Małgorzata Ślepowrońska

President of the Management Board, Ubezpieczeniowy Fundusz Gwarancyjny

dr hab. Ewa Wierzbicka

Head of postgraduate studies Academy of Insurance, SGH

Anna Włodarczyk-Moczkowska

President of the Management Board,
Compensa TU S.A. i Compensa TU na Życie S.A. Vienna Insurance Group

Przemysław Wojtkiewicz

Country Lead,

Agnieszka Wrońska

CEO of LINK4 from 2016 to 2024

Robert Zapotoczny

President of the Board of Directors of PFR Portal PPK in 2018 - 2024

Wojciech Zaskórski

General Manager,

Piotr Zesiuk

President of the Management Board,
MM Conferences

Jan Zimowicz

Member of the Management Board,

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