Speakers | Meeting of Leaders Banking and Insurance 2023


Speakers 28th edition Banking & Insurance Forum

Józef Wancer

Honorary Chairman of Banking Forum,
BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.

Robert Adamczyk

Energy Sector Team Head, Environment and Sustainability Department, EBRD

Maryia Alish

Service manager, Business analyst, Product owner, IBA Group

Tomasz Bardziłowski

President of the Board, Warsaw Stock Exchange

Brunon Bartkiewicz

President of the Management Board, ING Bank Śląski

Rafał Benecki

Chief Economist, ING Bank Śląski

Tadeusz Białek

President of the Management Board, Związek Banków Polskich

Bartosz Bilicki

Chief Innovation Officer, Polskie Polisy sp. z o.o.

Ryszard Bociong

Insurance sector expert

Radosław Bogucki

Partner, Risk Consulting, EY Poland

Alex Bolotin

Camunda Lead Expert, IBA Group

Paweł Borys

Vice President, MCI Capital ASI/ President, MCI Capital TFI

Krzysztof Bratos

Executive vice president of retail banking, mBank

Aleksandra Buczkowska

Managing Director for products and client segments in the Retail Banking Division, mBank S.A.

Mariusz Bukowski

Head of Data&AI, Nest Bank

Marcelo Castellanos

FIG EUR Senior Manager, Międzynarodowa Korporacja Finansowa

prof. Adam Czerniak

Research Director and Chief Economist at the Analytical Center, Polityka Insight

Marcin Czugan

President of the Board, Związek Przedsiębiorstw Finansowych w Polsce

Tomasz Dąbkowski

Partner Associate, Dział Usług Finansowych, Szef Grupy Aktuarialnej, KPMG

Ewa Dąbrowska

Executive Vice President, Signal Iduna

Jarosław Dąbrowski

Member of the Board, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego

Mariusz Dymowski

Director of the Mortgage Banking Center, PKO Bank Polski

Agata Filipowicz-Rybicka

Chief Economist and Director of DAM, Alior Bank

Alexander Fleischmann

Chief Executive Officer, Raiffeisen Bank International – oddział w Polsce

Aleksandra Friedel

CEO, Unilink

Marcin Gadomski

Vice-President of the Bank's Management Board, supervising the Risk Management Division, Bank Pekao S.A.

Ewa Gajda-Kozłowska

Senior Manager at EY Law, EY Poland

Joanna Gorczyca

Member of the Board, Responsible Business Forum, Director of the Office of Sustainable Development, PZU

Robert Gowin

Member of the Management Board, Unum

Bożena Graczyk

Vice-president of the Management Board,
ING Bank Śląski

Artur Grześkowiak

President of the Board, Marsh

Paweł Haltof

Innovation Director & Board Member, Efigence

Roger Hodgkiss

President of the Board, Generali Polska

Jacek Iljin

Vice-President of the Management Board, Alior Bank

Witold Jaworski

Insurance and insurtech industry expert

Michal Kanownik

President, Związek Cyfrowa Polska

dr hab. Marcin Kawiński

Head of the Department of Social Insurance, SGH

Łukasz Kijek

Secretary of the Program Council, Head of the editorial department of Money.pl , author of the program “Business Class”, Money.pl

Przemysław Koch

Vice President of the Management Board, VeloBank

Andrzej Kopyrski

Senior Advisor, PwC

Izabela Kozakiewicz

CEO, iKsync

Marcin Król

Head of Product & Business Development, Ailleron SA

Jarosław Królewski

CEO, Founder, Synerise

Ida Krzemińska-Albrycht

Lead Editor, Cashless.pl

Agnieszka Kurzyp

Menedżer rozwoju e-commerce, Santander Bank Polska

Monika Leżyńska

Vice-President of the Management Board, Allinaz

Ireneusz Liberacki

General Manager LiveBank, Ailleron SA

Tomasz Lis

Senior Partner Manager, Magnolia International

Sławomir Łopalewski

Managing Director, Member of the Management Board,
LUX MED Ubezpieczenia

Marek Lusztyn

Executive vice president of risk management, mBank

Michał Macierzyński

Director of Department, PKO Bank Polski

Radosław Maćkiewicz

General Director, Central Informatics Center

Magdalena Macko-Gizińska

Board member for customer relations, Nationale-Nederlanden

Jarosław Mastalerz

Financial and insurance sector expert

Piotr Matczuk

Prezes Zarządu, Polski Fundusz Rozwoju

Mateusz Mazur

Partner EY, CESA Technology Strategy & Transformation Leader, EY Poland

Tomasz Miklas

Vice-President of the Board, Alior Bank

Janusz Miszczak

Partner EY, Risk Consulting, EY Poland

Karolina Mitraszewska

Vice-President of the Management Board, Nest Bank

Michał Mrożek

Vice President of the Management Board,
ING Bank Śląski S.A.

Piotr Narloch

President of the Board, InterRisk

Magdalena Nowicka

Vice-President of the Board, BNP Paribas Bank Polska

Joanna Ostrowska-Szajnfeld

Managing Director IT Strategy, Architecture & Governance, BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.

Dawid Pachucki

Chief Economist, PZU

Michał Pastuszak

Head of AI Products, Synerise

Grzegorz Pawlicki

Board Member, Chief Information Officer,
Europa Ubezpieczenia

Marcin Petrykowski

CEO & Senior Advisor Finance and Technology

Jan Pieczykolan

Head of IT Development, Santander Bank Polska

Paweł Preuss

EY Partner, Financial Markets Leader in Poland, EY Poland

Andrzej Przewięźlikowski

Vicepresident of the Management Board,

Piotr Puchalski

Managing Director, Retail Banking, mBank

Volodymyr Radin

Vice-President of the Bank's Management Board responsible for the Areas of Retail Banking, Business Banking and Personal Finance, BNP Paribas Bank Polska

Igor Radziewicz-Winnicki

President of the Board, PZU Zdrowie

Jarosław Rot

Executive Director of the Sustainable Development Area, Bank BNP Paribas Polska

Małgorzata Rusewicz

President of the Board, Izba Gospodarcza Towarzystw Emerytalnych

Piotr Rutkowski

Managing Director of Process Development, Digital Services and Platforms and CRM area, PZU

Wojciech Rybak

Member of the Management Board", Bank Millenium

Jakub Sajkowski

Member of the Supervisory Board, TUW PZUW, Managing Director of corporate clients, PZU

Łukasz Samborski

Board Attorney for AI //Director of Operational Risk Management Department, Alior Bank

dr hab. Katarzyna Sekścińska

Professor, Department of Business Psychology and Social Innovation, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Rafał Sionkowski

mObywatel 2.0 Chief Product Owner, COI

dr inż. Ewelina Siwiec

Acting Head of the Department of Social and Economic Impacts of Climate Change, Institute for Environmental Protection-State Research Institute

Leszek Skop

President of the Board, PKO Insurance

Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska

Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board, mBank

Wojciech Soleniec

Partner, EY

Sławomir Soszyński

Vice President of the Management Board, ING Bank Śląski

dr Dariusz Standerski

Secretary of State,
Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji

Beata Stelmach

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Association of Stock Exchange Issuers and Member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Millennium SA, Bank Millennium

Karol Stryja

AI Advisory & Education AI,99 AI Faces

Jakub Szulc

Vice-President of the Management Board, NFZ

Janusz Szulik

President of the Management Board,
TU INTER Polska S.A.

Edyta Tararuj

Dyrektor Biura Rozwoju Produktów, PKO Bank Polski

Jarosław Tkaczewski

Director in the Department of Application Development, Bank Millennium

Katarzyna Tomczyk-Czykier

Director of the Innovation and Digitization Division, Tribe Owner Omnichannel, Credit Agricole Bank Polska

Agnieszka Wachnicka

Vice-President of the Management Board, Związek Banków Polskich

Andrzej Wasilewski

COO, Allianz

Mariusz Włodarczyk

Managing director, Proxy Santander Leasing S.A.

Wojciech Przybył

Vice-President of the Management Board, Alior Bank

Zdzisław Wojtera

Vice-President of the Management Board and Chief Financial Officer, Alior Bank

Agnieszka Wolska

Vice-President of the Management Board, BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.

Tadeusz Woszczyński

Chairman of Banking & Insurance TECH Advisory Board

Daniel Zahorenko

President of the Board, AGRO TUW

Zuzanna Zakrzewska

Managing partner of EY Law, attorney at law, EY Law

Katarzyna Zawadzińska-Kanadys

Legal Counsel, Santander Bank Poland

Jan Zimowicz

Member of the Management Board,

Marcin Żuchowicz

President of the Board,

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